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Dawn O'Maley, C. CHt

Everyone can benefit from hypnosis.
If you feel like something is missing in your life, or there is something you would like to overcome, 

hypnosis can help you achieve your ideal thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

Every ending leads to a new beginning. 

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”

- Earl Nightingale

New Growth


     Hypnosis is similar to meditation because you reach a state of deep relaxation and concentration; however, hypnosis is guided and focused on an intentional goal. During our session you will ease into an intentional deeply relaxed state in a peaceful and safe environment.

     Hypnosis allows your subconscious mind to become receptive to new thoughts and behaviour patterns, allowing you to access your inner resources for creativity, insight and growth.

     Once you arrive in the wonderful state of heightened awareness, you begin to examine and clearly connect with your subconscious mind, bypassing the portion of your mind that questions/doubts/criticizes and perhaps has been preventing you from realizing your goals and dreams.

     You are then provided with positive suggestions that can help you restructure and enhance how your subconscious operates allowing you to move toward your goals. 

     Essentially, together we will plant the seeds and hypnosis will provide the nourishing environment in which your new thoughts will root and sprout, and your limiting thoughts will be released.   


What is hypnosis?


     My name is Dawn.
     Born in November to wonderful people, I was raised on Vancouver Island. We were often escaping into the wilderness where I discovered my love and respect for nature. I learned to be strong.
     I feel immense gratitude toward those who have influenced me. I’ve used their guidance to teach myself to trust my intuition, to effectively communicate, to move on from life events by recognizing the lessons, and how to be mindful each and every day.
     Becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist has become the truest thing to my soul that I can share with the world. Our minds are our most wonderful and powerful tool.
     I enjoy working with those searching for stronger health and performance, increased clarity and decisiveness, a sense of connection, and self esteem & self confidence.  Also, those who wish to release limiting beliefs, fears and phobias, and feelings of anxiety.
     You may be surprised to discover that your calmness has already grown as you read this final sentence and allow yourself to take a deep, cleansing breath now - exhale. 

     Well done.

Dawn photo.jpg
About me


"Dawn has a very calming and comforting energy about her which you feel as soon as you meet her. She has a very kind soul and very easy to talk to. I have had a few hypnotherapy sessions with her and I always leave feeling very energized and empowered.  She has helped me through some difficult situations through her hypnotherapy and I will continue going to sessions with her for years to come."

- J.F.

"I’ve known Dawn for only a few short years and before trusting my personal concerns to her, I thought of her to be an honest and open woman, kindness itself.  When I learned she was studying hypnotherapy, I indicated to her that I believed I would benefit from a session or two.  Once qualified, I contacted her.  After four sessions, I found my conscious mind and resolve were strengthened.  Four months later, I am still focused on maintaining that resolve.  I know that if I need her help again, I will turn to her and her calm ability to reach my subconscious and help me again.  I urge you to visit Dawn to address anything you wish to improve in your life.  It works!"


"Hypnotherapy with Dawn helped me through one of the hardest times of my life. Connecting with my subconscious mind allowed me be strong, calm and at peace so I could deal with everything that was going on.
I love hypnotherapy! It’s absolutely amazing! I highly recommend letting Dawn help you with whatever it may be!"

- J.D.



Contact me today to learn more and to book a Tuesday session in my beautiful heritage office.

Bookings can be made online here.

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156 Manor Drive, Suite 204

Comox, BC V9M 1C7






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